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Happy Halloween :)

Creating this look was extremely fun and rewarding, this blog will take you step by step through on how to re create this look!

Things you will need, you can always improvise and take what I used as guidance.

White Facepaint
Grey Facpaint
Brown Facepaint
Black Facepaint
Red Facepaint
Black Shadow
Brown Shadow
Red Lip Liner
Fake Blood
Eye Liner
Stippling Brush

So to begin with I prepped the face with white face paint, covering the entire even the lips and eyelids, blending the paint down onto the chest and arms and any other areas that may have been exposed. This will give you a blank canvas to work on, and with us trying to re create the dead look, then the paler the better :)

Once you have your white base, you want to start contouring, taking your brown and grey face paint, focus on the cheek bones, the eye sockets, and the jaw line. Using a stippling brush apply the brown and grey paints, to the hollow in your cheek underneath the cheek bone, into the socket area of your eye and along the jaw line, making the face look gaunt and skeletal.

The contouring can be revisited and built up as you build the rest of the face makeup. I then focused on the eye socket, taking different shades of brown shadows and really building up the depth of colour on the eye. Taking it under the eye and following the natural tired line on the face, some its more prominent on than others, but its basically the area in which you usually get bags that we want to darken!

Once the eyes were suitably dark, I took a red lip liner and lined the eye, in the water line and around, taking a small smudge brush or any eye shadow brush, I blended the liner down underneath the eye  with a brown/burgundy shadow to add extra smoulder to the look. I then took the red lip liner and lined the inside of the nostrils and taking the same smudge brush and blending the liner down and around the nostril, to create that sense of pain and soreness, that I associate with zombies and corpses.

Revisiting the contouring, darken the cheek bones and the jaw line, using the same shadows that you used to darken the eye socket. I also took the contouring into the clavicles on the chest, enhancing the gaunt skeletal look that comes with the reputation of being dead.

Using the stippling brush again, I wanted to create some bruises on the skin, you can pick any place on the skin, and all you need to do is take a red face paint, blotting it on your hand first as you dont want to much paint residue on your hand, and stipple onto the skin, then taking a brown shadow, blend over the top, using the same stippling application, and it will form a purple colour that we associate with a bruise. You can also take some powder and dust over the top, this will give the bruise a yellow tinge, all adding to the look.

For the lips, I lined with black lip liner and filled with the red lip liner, I blended the two together, and then buffed them out using a brown shadow, this looked extremely effective!

And although we are going for the zombie/dead look I still made sure my zombie had groomed eyebrows, if you want you can add some design to them, comb them up, over exaggerate the hair, etc, just make sure they are a few shades darker/black. Using a gel to set the brows in place.

Take your fake blood, and the end of your stippling brush and proceed to flick the fake blood over your face/models face, and body. Do not touch, let the blood take its natural place on the skin  where it falls! Looks very realistic!

For the hair I used olive oil and combed it through the models hair, to make it look greasy, unclean and dirty! I then ran some of the blood through it to make it look matted and DISGUSTING!

Finally if you have contacts then do put them in, but make sure you are careful when doing so!
If you are performing this look on somebody else, than remember that hygiene is important, only use clean sterilised brushes on them, and wipe and liner used before applying, deposit some on your hand and use a brush! :)

If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to ask/comment! I hope your enjoy creating this look and I hope you have a Happy Halloween Weekend!

Lots of Love

October's Glossybox!x

I have recently subscribed to Glossybox, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to add more items to my kit (obsession) and to explore the beauty world in greater depths. It also gives me the opportunity to be a 'beauty blogger' bringing my wisdom of makeup, hair and beauty products to my readers :)

Every box I recieve I will be doing a montlhy blog on, which will include my personal review on each item within the box, recommending where I feel appt! I hope you enjoy the read and maybe find yourselves purchasing some of the items I recommend :)

Items within this months GlossyBox...

This product wasn't suited to my skin, I have normal skin, and this specifies that it is for combination skin, at the time of use aswell I had quite dry skin as I had just got back from holiday! blues :( Having said this, once I applied quite alot my skin did feel extremely smooth, and it was great under my makeup! Although it is quite expensive to be using excessive amounts to achieve what you can with a normal moisturiser. It smelt lovely, very fresh, it smelt good for your skin! I think if I had oily combination skin it would be a good purchase, but i think for the time being I will be sticking with my Garnier Rose Essentials <3 

This product was a lot more suited to my skin, it was a creamy product that went onto the skin nicely, and sat very naturally under my makeup! It was light but did the job, although with it containing SPF I wouldn't recommend especially if you were intending on having photographs taken, as the SPF contains light reflective minerals that will make you look paler than you are! Not ideal...But for during the day its a perfect product! It gives a nice, dewy glow and youthful appearance. I wouldn't hesitate recommending! 

I have never been a fan of the cheek/lip tint. You instantly loose that ability to blend the products, which ultimately gives you that flawless look! Once applied to the skin you dont have much working time, to move the product around if any at all, as it stains the skin you put it on! I know this is given away in the name of it 'tint' but Im not sure its a beneficial trait for a makeup product to have, when the idea of makeup is to look seamless on a persons face. I wouldnt completely rule it out, as you could attempt mixing the tint with one of your cream based products, either a lipstick, or a blusher to intensify the colour, as the pigmentation of this product is second to none. Mixing with your lipstick or cream blusher will add depth to your chosen medium, but for now I feel this product won't be making its way into my kit :( Sorryyyy MeMeMe

For me, now that my tan has faded and I have regained my 'English rose' complexion, this just didn't suit my skin type! For those of you with the desired olive complexion I'm sure this would make a fine addition to your makeup kit! It felt extremely smooth when testing it on my hand, providing a light/medium coverage, I think it would be perfect applied over your daily/night time foundation! 

This was a pleasant surprise, as I expected it to be another one of these scents released by popstars to rob small children blind of their pocket money! But this is actually quite a nice scent, I wouldnt choose to wear it myself, but I think for teenagers making that transition from the lower end of the teens, say 13 ish to the mid teen stage of about 16 then this is a definite one to try and maybe pop on your christmas list :) I hope this has been insightful, and let me tell you I cannot wait for my next glossy box arrival, in the mean time keep if you have a blog topic you would like me to cover, feel free to get in touch or leave your comment below!! 

Lots of Love

Absolute Must Have's

Concluding part 5 of 5 of the Must Have Items in your MakeUp bag.

The 5 Key Products that will be in my handbag, day and night over the coming months will be...
For the Face, I will be using, My BB Garnier Cream, which gives you the moisture needed when the cold sets in, it also provides you with the coverage required on a day to day basis!
I will also be using, the Springsheen/Peachykeen MAC blusher, which are both soft, and subtle yet giving you a youthful radiant glow, in these colder months.

The next absolute must have is your Scandal Eye's Mascara, lather those lashes, once, twice, three times if you feel the need, until you achieve the desired, volume and colour on them.
Now I'm going to cheat slightly, I'm going to use the same product in two different ways..versatile!!!

I'm going to use my Espresso MAC eye shadow, and line my upper lash line, using a blending brush to take off that sharp edge giving you a subtle smokey look, and you can also line the lower if you want to darken the eye a little more, and then taking the same angled brush, and the espresso shadow, I will define the brows! :)

My last Product that will 100% be in my MakeUp bag over the winter, is Cherish, this Lipstick, is one that can be worn everyday, on its own, obviously I would wear it with Mascara, but if you are looking for a little colour in the lips, and nothing else, then absolutely wear this!!

I will also be sneaking in my MAC balm, and my blistex tinted balm, depending on the mood I wake up in, in the morning, but I'm terrible when it comes to MakeUp, and this was a really difficult request for me, as I will always take more than one lipstick with me in my bag! Options ladies...Always have your options, keep them well and truly open :) May even sneak Craving in there aswell! ;)

Sooo get your hands on some BB cream, a peachy blusher, brown eyeshadow, Scandal eyes mascara, and a plum/brown lipstick! And you will be ready for winter :)

Enjoy Girlies...

Alexandra Louise

Lip Must Have's

Part 4 of 5, of the 5 Must Have's


As mentioned in previous Blogs, the look I will be sporting this winter, will be minimalistic eye MakeUp, with Plum/Brown lips! If you dare to join me, in warming up your MakeUp look this winter, then look into getting yourself, some of the below Must Have's..

This Blog will focus on not just Must Have's for the Plum, Winter look, but also Lip Must Have's in general!

First of all, avoid dry lips which unfortunately I seem to develop every year, make sure you are prepared ahead of time, and stock up on some deep conditioning Lip Balm.
Vaseline is fine, but we can do better than that, if a plain lip balm is all you are after then I suggest carmex!

Now if you want a balm with a tinge of colour, which I believe to be an absolute MUST have this winter, my favourites were MAC tinted lip balms, but they have discontinued these. So after researching around, and trying different balms, I have come to love blistex' tinted lip balm. It leaves your lips soft with a flush of colour...stunning!

For the Ultimate Plum Lipstick, I've found this one, and it will be perfect for the look we are trying to achieve, it's called Craving, and its another MAC buy! Now when I say Plum, I don't mean dark Aubergine Plum, I mean soft Muted Brown Plum, its very different, a lot more natural, and definitely wearable during the day! :)

Other colours that I will be teaming with this look over the coming winter months, are Hue, and Cherish alsoMAC lipsticks. Hue is a very pale, soft beige colour, its very natural, but also very lovely to wear during the day to add lustre to your lips! Cherish is a brown lipstick, with a slight plummy tinge, the tinge of plum is hardly noticeable, it just adds depth to the colour!

All three shade of Lipstick will really compliment this MakeUp, its such a versatile look that it can be worn both during the day, and it can also be vamped up slightly for a night time look!

Other Lip Products I have come across that I believe to be suitable for such look are;
Accessorize Lipstick, Obsessed, and this trio of lipsticks from website, Cocosa

Lip Liners can also be used, and these create definition on the outer edge of the lip, you can even bring the colour down onto the lip itself, and then apply the lipstick of your choice, to get a really definitive shape, and deep colour.

But I think my Lip Must Have's for this winter, will be the Cherish Lipstick from MAC, which will give us the Tinge of Plum, alongside the brown, and I will also have to get my hands on a beige balm, these teamed with mascara, give a look that oozes natural beauty :) Truly beautiful...

A big lip trend that is heavily involved in the makeup industry at present is the 'ombre lip' and lip art in general, I will be doing a blog on both of these looks very soon!!!! Love LIPS!!!!

Final Blog from this Blog Marathon will follow...

Keep Reading,

Alexandra Louise

Eye's Must have's

Part 3 of 5 of the 5 Must have's this winter! :)


Essentially Eye MakeUp is applied to the eye, to enhance, frame and generally alter the overall appearance of the natural state of our eyes!
For example, I rarely go out in public, unless I'm hiding behind my glasses, without lathering my lashes with Mascara, now this is because I'm fair, and if I didn't my eyes would look extremely sunken into my head! Mascara..fixes this slight imperfection in a matter of seconds!!!

Now my 5 essential Eye Products...this is a difficult one because again it depends on the look you are going for, however sticking with our natural, warm, wintery theme, I'd say minimalist on the eyes is most suited to this look.

For this I think the Benefit Beautiful Eyes kit, is a must have, or the Urban Decay Naked Basic Palette, they both contain a range of eyeshadows that will allow you to achieve a variety of different looks from natural to smokey. They contains both contain the 3 main shades of eye shadow, a light beige colour, a medium taupe/brown colour, and a darker brown, which would be used for accentuation, and darkening of the socket (contouring).

Other colour eye shadows suitable for this look would be, 

The smokey look is not what we are trying to achieve here, so although I am listing rather brown, dark shadows, these will literally just be used on the lash line, or in the crease, to bring a slight definition to the eye, with most of the eyelid being covered, in a soft pale beige colour, enhancing the shape of the eye.

These really are the everyday colours I would use, I wouldn't necessarily use full shadow on the eye lid, more often than not, I will just take a fine eye liner brush, dampening it slightly, and take a dark brown shadow, or you could even purchase a brown gel liner, and apply that along the lash line, with a slight flick at the end, this really will do the job of defining the eye, yet keeping within the natural day to day look we are going for! Using our 5 Must Have's, smudging the liner applied with a small chisel brush (Crown Brushes) with some eyeshadow, so that the eyeliner applied isnt a sharp line. 

Mascara...As I said, I will quite happily go out without any MakeUp on, as long as I have Mascara on, and if I do happen to step out of the house without it, the glasses will be firmly in place! 

I envy all you ladies out there, who are so so so fortunate to be dark haired, and as a result have the lovely luscious brown/black lashes! My lashes are stupidly long as well, but because they are on the brink of white, they never get showed off properly unless Mascara is applied, soo yes basically Mascara is a god send, and my FAVOURITE is, Scandal Eyes!

I actually could name 3 Mascaras that I would recommend, if you have long, heavy eyelashes like me, then I often find it difficult to source Mascaras that don't just sit on my lashes, and fail to do anything to the shape! As again I'm one of the unfortunate ones who's lashes don't curl naturally, so a mascara that lifts and curls is a must, and these 3 mascaras do just that! :)

All 3 give my lashes a volume, colour and thickness boost! Which is basically the three essential things I look for in a Mascara, so whether you have fine, short lashes, or long thick lashes, these mascaras will suit each and every one of you! 

Last but by no means least, get yourself an eyebrow pencil, or a shadow that is a similar colour to your brows that will enhance them naturally, and frame your entire face! I only started defining my brows a couple of years ago, I was never confident enough to make them darker, thicker, or however you may enhance them personally! But now...God I feel naked if my eyebrows aren't a feature on my face! MAC pencils are great, but I think my favourite is a MUA brow pencil, and their brow kit is also AMAZING and for £3.50 you can' argue! :)

,So my 5 essential Eye Products, in order of importance would have to be...Mascara (definitely), Brown/Black gel liner, Dark Brown Shadow, Light Beige Shadow, and the ever important brow pencil :)

Next Blog, will be about the all important lipstick, and the shades to be worn this winter! 

Keep Following/Reading!

Alexandra Louise


Cheeks Must Have's

Part 2 of 5, of the 5 essential Must have's :)


Now for Blusher's it really depends on what lip colour you are going to be applying, as my blush often compliments my lipstick choice.

For those of you that are going to be daring this autumn/winter, like myself and opt for the Plum shades on the Lipstick colour spectrum! I'd recommend, a plum/brown blusher, I think the colour i'd use to describe the perfect blusher for this look is MINK, like a Malt Chocolate colour, with the prime colour being brown, but with subtle plummy undertones..yummy, sounds almost's and peaches work just aswell with this look, and I think I would often, if not feeling daring, opt for a subtle peach/pink blush :)

Sooo my recommendations for the daring amongst us is, Either Mocha, or Prism by MAC, apply this to your cheekbones, which will act almost as a contouring medium, and it will really add some depth to your cheeks, and then take a highlighting powder or a lighter (pink) blusher and dust it over your upper cheekbone, up towards the outer corner of your eye, also paying attention to the apples of your cheeks! 

For those of you that will be opting for the natural lip with this look, I'd advise using either a peachy tone or a soft pink. Melba, by MAC would be my choice for this alternative look. Still concentrating on the lower part of your cheek bone, and also apply a dusting over your upper cheek bone and the apple of the cheeks as well, for a soft, warm glow :) enhance the upper part of your cheekbone with highlighter if needs be! 

If you are going to be contouring, with a darker medium, then application of blusher to the lower part of the cheekbone isn't necessary, just apply your blusher to the apples of your cheeks, in a sweeping motion towards your temples :)

So now that you have a lovely glow to your cheeks, a highlighter can be used to enhance the cheek/brow bones! Giving you some extra lustre, more app at night as apose to during the day!
ELF do a brilliant highlighter, that can be applied with ease, and blended into the area using my brush specified in the previous blog, the flawless concealer brush from ELF

Benefit also do a lovely highlighting powder called 'luster duster' that can be used in the same way as the cream based highlighter, it often depends which medium you prefer working with, I often think that if my face MakeUp is cream based stick with cream based blushers, and cream based highlighters, but if you have gone for powder products, then stick with a powder highlighter! :) Makes sense, otherwise you may find that a cream based product, used over a powder, can cause unwanted movement of the powder, which will alter and essentially ruin your flawless look :( however powder over cream works, as the denser medium is the cream, so the powder effectively just sits on top of the creamy face MakeUp!

So for the Ultimate Cheek...I'd suggest purchasing a Peachy Blush, a Plum Blush, a Highlighter, a Contouring Brush, and a Face Brush! Different combinations of the above products will give you soo many different looks, that can be combined with an array of different eye MakeUp looks as well! Versatile MakeUp choice, is the ultimate skill to have, if you have an eye for different colours, and different mediums that you think will combine well together, then you have a head start, when aiming to achieve these day to night MakeUp looks :)

Up next...Eye's Blog!

Keep Reading,

Alexandra Louise